Professional Background: Business

Interview Quotes: "Listen twice as much as you speak. Contribute in content, not in volume." "You need to read the room. Not all directors are equal." "You need to continue to challenge companies to look beyond the usual suspects. Challenge them to get to know the minority pipeline." "Best way to manage any imposter syndrome is to be super prepared"

Long Tenured (>5 years)

Professional Background: Business

Interview Quotes: "In board vetting process is relationships make the difference. For every board it was a relationship that had been nurtured over years. Now is my turn to invest in  others and to help them get where they want to get." "Somebody’s got to be the first. Take steps not to be the last." "Most boards are continuing to say the right things about diversity, saying that all this political stuff does not matter. We have got to get past the political activity that dominates public opinion."

Newer Tenured (<5 years)

Professional Background: Business

Interview Quotes: "You have to always be on your best game because people are always watching." "Not for term limits but for age limits." "Performance on the recent wave of minority board appointments will have a significant impact on diversity." "It takes time to find your voice in the boardroom. You must have a strategy for onboarding yourself."

Long Tenured (>5 years)

Professional Background: Business

Interview Quotes: "Once you are on your first public board, everything changes. You are now a hot commodity." "It's so important to understand the difference between management and the duty of the board." "Should focus on how we get more women and blacks in the CEO seats." "Cannot jam change down people's throat."

Long Tenured (>5 years)
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