Quentin Roach

Quentin Roach, the youngest of seven children raised by a military father, attributes his diverse upbringing and experiences to his success in his corporate career and life. His father, the only college graduate among his siblings, served in the military, which allowed him to achieve two degrees and raise a family. Quentin holds multiple degrees in engineering, international business, and corporate strategy. He has worked across eight different companies and industries, including automotive, academia, medical device, pharmaceuticals, and luxury beauty products. His first board opportunity came through a referral while he was serving as the Chief Supply Chain Officer and Chief Procurement Officer for a pharmaceutical company.

Quentin believes that diversity makes a difference at all levels of business and society. However, he emphasizes that diversity alone doesn’t bring the greatest value; it must be coupled with inclusion. He advises aspiring board members to gain experience by serving on non-profit boards, broadening their skill sets, and taking on global and cross-functional projects within their companies. Quentin also stresses the importance of being collaborative, listening, and asking questions that add value to the board’s discussions.

Looking ahead, Quentin acknowledges that progress in diversity on corporate boards will continue to be a challenge. He encourages current black board members to be vocal advocates for diversity and inclusion, suggesting diverse candidates when opportunities arise, and pushing for board refreshment. Quentin also believes that institutional investors should prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion as value-creating aspects of an enterprise. While he doesn’t support quotas, Quentin thinks that businesses need a push in the right direction through transparency, disclosure, and highlighting best practices in diversity. By creating visibility and granular disclosure, businesses can be encouraged to drive diversity forward in a meaningful way.

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