Professional Background: Business, Law

Long tenured (>5 years)

Ulice Payne retired from an extensive career in law, government, and business. Previously, he has served as CEO of the Milwaukee Brewers, in addition to serving as Wisconsin Commissioner of Securities. In his law practice, he was Managing Partner at Foley and Lardner. He currently is the owner of Addison Clifton LLC. Ulice is a director of WEC Energy Group Inc, Manpower, and Footlocker Inc. He has been a director of Northwestern Mutual, Badger Meter Inc., Midwest Airlines, and the Marcus Corporation. His training is in both law and business administration.

Interview Quotes:
“Realized someone had been watching him while on his not-for profit board service.”
“Was the first Black on almost all of his boards.”
“Should support management but then hold them accountable. Focus on what benefit you could bring to a board.”
“You have to be willing to learn.”
“Think Black representation on boards will decrease in the short term because of recent anti DEI attacks.”

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